From Idea to Solution

High risk systems

Medium risk systems

Low risk systems

Specific systems

From Idea to Solution

Your ideas are transformed into technical solutions

A highly qualified team of project engineers with many years of experience assists in the realization of ideas and fulfilling client needs in a professional manner.

One of the starting points of project drafting is defining the intended purpose of the system, the level of requirement and risk of a given object.  The next stage involves management of specific details in the requirements gathering and proposed solution phase for every individual object, ensuring the final product satisfies all customer needs and expectations, as well as utilizing the optimal amount of resources (technology, time and funds) resulting in an ideal return on investment.

Our project engineers are backed by a service department which provides 24/7 customer care from installation to installation to the maintenance and monitoring phases.  From its inception in 1964, Tehnozavod Marušić holds unconditional client satisfaction, earned through knowledge, experience and responsibility, in the highest regard.

High risk systems
Facilities where there is an increased likelihood of unwanted events and major damage.

These facilities are characterized by the existence of a large number of critical points and the full engagement of people who professionally deal with protection issues on a daily basis. Bearing in mind the large number of potential risks that may occur, preventing and detecting adverse events at the earliest stage to minimize their impact and speed up repairs with an undisturbed resumption of work is critical. Also critical is the use of highly-reliable  equipment and its proper adjustment while ensuring maximum availability.

Included in the category of high risk objects are facilities where there is an increased likelihood of adverse events and great damage caused by them. Such facilities include banks, industrial plants, large hotels, large shopping centers, sports and cultural facilities, etc.

Due to their large size, an important aspect when considering high risk facilities is high-quality design, in order to meet all the required functionality and to maintain the investment within the planned budget.  To this end, solutions are designed for the specific purpose of different degrees of complexity and interconnectivity, with one of the solutions being creation of one’s own monitoring center. Monitoring centers, whether locally or at a remote location, enable monitoring of all the events occuring on the object, link video camera recordings that track a specific area, or simply track the development of suspicious situations.

One of the ideal solutions for integrating a technical protection system at high risk facilities is our Supervisor application.

  • Prevention of harmful events
  • High-quality design
  • Recognition and fast recovery
  • Creating monitoring center
  • Use of premium equipment
  • Constant monitoring and support
Medium risk systems
Institutions where the potential damage, which may occur, is lower than the one in high-risk facilities.

Among medium risk facilities are office spaces, smaller shopping centers, hospitals, ambulances, betting establishments, shops and such. The potential damage that may arise in such facilities is generally lower than that of high-risk facilities for a number of reasons: fewer people, fewer potential stolen valuables, large number of available exits, and a constant presence of workplace employees able to assist in any way.

For medium risk facilities, a common combination consists of two or more systems that provide 24-hour supervision, connected to a security service nearby or even within the facility itself. The characteristics of equipment for such systems are often less demanding since detecting movement in a particular area without the need for person recognition is often sufficient.

  • Fewer people and valuable stuff
  • Constant presence of employees
  • Reliance on the security service
  • A large number of available exits
  • Combining two or more systems
  • Less demanding equipment usage
Low risk systems
Facilities where there is a low damage probability.

Included in the category of low risk facilities are apartments, houses, cottages and similar facilities where the installation of a simpler security system plays a major role in diverting potential hostile visitors. Potential damage is generally lower, and information from the installed system can be either be sent to a security service or inform the owner of the facility by telephone who can then notify the police or security guards.

It should also be noted that risk does not only depend on the type of facility, but also on numerous other elements such as the flow of people, working hours, cash turnover in the facility, location in relation to major roads, etc. For this reason consulting with experts in this field to ensure optimal protection is crucial.

  • Installing a simpler security system
  • Smaller damage possibility
  • Notifying facility owner
  • Engaging the police and security forces
  • Consulting with experts
  • Prevention from unwanted visitors
Specific systems
The main characteristic of specific objects is the challenge that requires engineer's creativity and finding the optimal solution.

A significant part of the facilities, where systems are installed, have their own special features that make them specific to the predefined types of objects. The common feature of such facilities is the challenge that requires thinking out of the box and finding the optimal solution to customer needs. Along with standard technical protection equipment, such as video cameras and fire detectors, some lesser devices or systems are used to achieve the ultimate result.

Few examples of specific projects:

  • RTLS system for tracking people and inventories in real time via RFID
  • Digital archives and document management
  • Goods theft prevention system
  • Irregular shape of video wall
  • System for monitoring the number of staff in the premises with critical goods

Experience and gained knowledge so far show that for each problem, a certain technical solution can be devised and realized. Users are free to express their own requirements and ideas, and top designers and technicians make them happen.