Tehnozavod d.o.o.
Legal regulation

Basic information

Company: Tehnozavod Ltd.

Address: Podbrežje XIII.26, 10 000 Zagreb

VAT: HR21926472791

Competent court: Commercial Court of Zagreb

RBN: 080061212

Issued capital: 474.900,00 €

Bank accounts:

PRIVREDNA BANKA ZAGREB   HR3523400091100108706

HRVATSKA POŠTANSKA BANKA   HR7023900011100021485

ERSTE & STEIERMARKISCHE BANK   HR8324020061100048277

Management: CEO Krešimir Marušić, Board Member Marko Marušić


General Terms of Use

Tehnozavod Ltd. Web site allows you to use the services and content subject to the Terms of Use below. No part of the site may be used for illegal purposes or for the promotion of the same. By using the services and content, users are considered to be familiar with the current conditions and risks arising from the use of this website and accept to use the content of this website at their own risk and to fully understand the terms of use.


Tehnozavod Ltd. is the copyright holder of all it’s own content (textual, visual and audio material, database and programming code). Unauthorized use of any part of the portal, without the permission of the copyright owner, is considered to be a copyright infringement and is subject to a lawsuit.

A user who considers that Tehnozavod Ltd. has violated its copyrights is obliged to report such content using the e-mail address info@tehnozavod.hr. The company will consider each report and, in the event of copyright infringement, will remove the content as soon as possible.

The right to modify content and services

Tehnozavod Ltd. reserves the right to change, terminate (temporary and permanent) any content or services in the site without prior notice.

Links to other websites

Tehnozavod Ltd. website consists of its own content, content of partners and advertisers, free content and links to external sites.

Tehnozavod Ltd. assumes no responsibility for the content of third-party web sites that user access via the link or for their use of the mentioned links.

All content of the Tehnozavod Ltd. website is used at its sole discretion and company is not held responsible for any damages caused by the use.

User Responsibilities

The users of the Tehnozavod Ltd. web site are strictly forbidden:

  • Sending content that violates existing Croatian and / or international laws, content that is offensive, vulgar, threatening, racist or chauvinistic and harmful in any other way
  • Sending information that a visitor knows or assumes is false and whose use could cause harm to other users
  • False representation or representation on behalf of another legal or natural person
  • Sending content that is copyright protected
  • Consciously sending content containing viruses or similar computer files or programs designed to destroy or limit the work of any computer software and / or hardware and telecommunications equipment

Changes to Terms of Use

Tehnozavod Ltd. reserves the right to modify these terms of use at any time and will not be liable for any possible consequences resulting from such changes. These changes will take effect by publishing on this web site.


Privacy Policy

Privacy protection

By using the content of this website, the user accepts all risks arising from that use and accepts it for personal use only and at its sole discretion.

Tehnozavod Ltd. respects the privacy of its users and portal visitors. User data will not be disclosed to a third party unless such obligation is regulated by law.

Tehnozavod Ltd. may, in accordance with the law, collect certain user information obtained during the use of the site (exclusively computer data and data on the Internet provider). This data is used to improve the website and to customize content for the audience that visits it.

Personal data collected

Personal data is collected in two ways, directly from the individual and indirectly.

Directly from an individual

This way the name and e-mail address are being collected.

The data is collected from user when sending an e-mail via the contact form. By submitting an e-mail, it is considered that the user has given the privilege to access the provided information.


This way, certain technical information is collected about users that visit website, which may include, for example, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, and login information, type and version of the browser. The stored data are not individual and can not be linked to a particular user.

Data is collected by a third-party, Google Analytics service. For data to be collected, user has to agree by clicking ‘I agree’ in the informative message about using cookies.

Data usage

Purpose of collecting data:

  • to ensure that content on our website is effectively presented to users and their computers
  • to improve our website and make sure content is displayed in the most effective way for users and their computers
  • to keep our website safe and secure

Data protection

All the information that is collected while using the website is stored on our protected servers and / or on our vendors’ servers that committed to maintain various information systems for us.

Tehnozavod Ltd. will not keep personal data longer than necessary to the purposes for which they were originally collected.



Cookie Regulations

Cookies can be used to improve the service and functioning of the website and its services.

What are Cookies?

Cookie is information saved on your computer by the website you visit. Cookies usually save your settings, website settings, such as your preferred language or address. Later, when you open the same web page again, the internet browser sends back the cookies that belong to that page. This allows the page to display information tailored to your needs.

Cookies can store a wide range of information including personal information (such as your name or e-mail address). However, this information can only be saved if you allow it – the websites can not access the information that you have not provided them and can not access other files on your computer. Default activities for saving and sending cookies is not visible to you. However, you can change your Internet browser settings so you can choose for yourself whether or not to approve or reject cookie requests, automatically wipe cookies when you close your internet browser, and alike.

In order to use the cookies in accordance with the Electronic Communications Act, the Personal Data Protection Act, EU Directives 2002/58/EZ and 95/46/EZ and the GDPR Directive, the user must permit it.

What are Cookies used for?

Cookies are used to ensure the correct functioning of the website and to collect statistical data.

Website uses cookies to remember the actions and user preferences (such as language, font size and other desired display settings) over a long period of time so users doesn’t have to re-enter them every time they return to the site or switch from one page to another.

How are Cookies controlled?

Users can control and / or delete cookies. All cookies that are already stored on the user’s device can be deleted and most browsers can even block cookie storing. If a user blocks cookies, each time he visits website again needs to adjust some of the desired preferences, while certain services and functions might not be available.

The following links provide information on how to change settings for some of the most commonly used web browsers:

Disabling cookies disables some of the functionality on a web page.

What are Temporary Cookies?

Temporary cookies or session cookies are removed from your computer when closing your browser. With them, websites store temporary information, such as items in a shopping cart.

What are Permanent Cookies?

Permanent or saved cookies remain on your computer after you close the Internet browser program. With them, websites store information such as username and password, so you do not have to sign in each time you visit particular site. Permanent cookies will remain on your computer for days, months, even years.

What are First-party Cookies?

First-party cookies come from the sites you’re watching and can be permanent or temporary. Using these cookies, web pages can store the information they will use again when they visit the site for the next time.

What are Third-party Cookies?

Third-party cookies come from ads of other websites (such as pop-ups or other ads) that are on the webpage you are viewing. Using these cookies, websites can monitor Internet usage for marketing purposes.

Does Tehnozavod Ltd. website use Cookies?

Yes, with the primary purpose of improving user experience.

What kind of Cookies does Tehnozavod Ltd. website use?

Session cookies – temporary cookies that point out (and are automatically deleted) when you close the Internet browser.

Persistent cookies – usually have an expiration date far into the future and will remain in your browser until it expires, or until you manually delete it. The page uses persistent cookies for better understanding and improving user habits. The information being collected is anonymous, meaning that individual user data is not visible.

Does Tehnozavod Ltd. website have Third-party Cookies?

There are several external services that store users’ limited cookies. These cookies are not set up by this website, but some serve normal functioning of certain features that make it easier for users to access content. We currently allow:

Social networks

Sharing articles on social networking puts up cookies to users.

Visitation measurement

For visitation measurement we use Google Analytics service.

While opening Tehnozavod Ltd. website, an informative message about the cookies is displayed. Clicking ‘Disagree’ disables the Google Analytics service and storage of cookies.